In her work with executives, leadership teams and organisations, Signe Biering has an intellectual flexibility and a breadth of experience that makes her profile unique.
As an executive coach and team coach she is capable of reflecting with you irrespective of your particular challenges. She can help you strengthen performance, mitigate conflicts, reflect on the future, assess the role of the past, or contemplate existential issues.
When holding talks and workshops, Signe is interested in discussing culture, organisation, leadership, conflict, diversity - and how national culture can pop up and challenge organisations and leadership in surprising ways. She invites participants to discuss and challenge her - making her talks and workshops both enlightening and entertaining.
Signe will always customize her work to your specific needs.
Signe brings practical expertise gained through working in some of the world's most demanding work settings, including Africa, the Middle East, India, and China.
Her focus lies in coaching top leadership as well as guiding individuals and teams who need to cooperate and take decisions in a hyper complex and uncertain world.
Signe works with international and Danish top leaders and teams as an executive coach with tools from both coaching and psychotherapy. She holds talks and workshops on cross cultural cooperation, on internationals in Danish companies, and on diversity and inclusion.
From 2021-2023 Signe was a partner in Project Onboard Denmark, an applied research project focusing on practical solutions for good onboarding of internationals in Danish workplaces. See www.OnboardDenmark.dk. Other partners included the Confederation of Danish Industries, Copenhagen Capacity and The University of Copenhagen.
Signe is externally supervised by authorized supervisors. She is currently writing a book together with Professor Claire Maxwell, with the working title: "How to lead internationals".
Signe was a diplomat for over 20 years with the Danish Foreign Service, her last posting being deputy Ambassador to Israel 2014-18. She has an academic background in law and politics. Previous jobs included postings in New Delhi and Beijing as well as special advisor to the head of the Danish Intelligence Service.
2013-2014 /
Signe has been certified systemic coach with Mannaz, and certified leadership psychotherapist at ID Academy, Copenhagen. She has trained as team coach with Team Coaching Studio.